Wider scope for a smaller footprint

Wider scope for a smaller footprint

We are pleased to have been asked to contribute to the Spring ’22 edition of the internationally renowned Dry Bulk Magazine. In a comprehensive article Richard Spaargaren from ESI explains…

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Moving forward with R&D

Moving forward with R&D

Now that the Eurosilo has become a renowned solution in number of industries, the concept of highly automated space saving vertical storage is drawing attention from different parties in other industries.

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Time to step up in 2021

Time to step up in 2021

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic that hit the world in 2020, there was no slowdown at ESI. In fact we were even more busy handling multiple large projects.

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Online Commissioning Shidongkou Project

Online Commissioning Shidongkou Project

The worldwide pandemic required us to adapt and find new ways to proceed our projects. By setting up remote collaboration, we succeeded in the online commissioning of one of the two 100K coal silos at the Shidongkou Power Plant in Shanghai.

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