Large storage capacity     Saving valuable space    Environmentally safe     Fully automated


When technological issues, environmental regulations and cost reduction require a complete overhaul, we can provide a tailor made retrofit for your silo system. In fact, we install complete new mechanical equipment inside the existing silo at your plant site. We provide new material handling equipment inside your current storage facility.  

Best fit for best performance

With an installed base of 150 Eurosilos around the world, starting from 1967, we have a track record of retrofits and midlife conversions in industries such as power production, agribulk and chemical process plants. You can count on accurate project management to ensure a tailor made approach at your operational plant site.

Accurate project management

For large engineering projects such as a retrofit at your plant site, we provide complete and accurate project management. This end-to-end approach provides you with a single partner to control the complete process, from feasibility to commissioning to turnkey take over and service.

Spaans, Weibull or AJO?

Do you have a Spaans, Weibull or AJO silo that needs an overhaul in order to stay operational for years to come? ESI can support you with that. We have handled Spaans silos since the acquisition of Spaans EBS and Spaans BHS in 2016 and we have performed successful retrofits on Weibull and AJO silos. 



Contact us

Feel free to reach out to us with any questions, comments, or feedback.
Fill out our contact form, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Your inquiries are important to us, and we look forward to assisting you. 

Latest news


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State-of-the-art Potato Starch Silo for Lyckeby, Sweden

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