The innovative storage solution

Conventional open-air storage requires sufficient space at your plant site and leads to costly environmental drawbacks and loss of calorific value. Enclosed storage in a highly automated Eurosilo solves all these problems at the smallest possible footprint. The system offers the safest storage in the market for up to 200,000 m³. The coal is fed from the top into a chute through which it reaches an auger frame on the coal surface. Two parallel screw conveyors distribute the material over the entire area while the auger frame rotates. Reclaiming is done at the bottom of the silo, while the screw conveyors rotate in reverse to feed coal into the formed core flow.


Fuel Management system maximizes revenue

Your power plant will achieve the highest efficiency rate by burning the optimal coal blend. To prepare the right blends at the right time, our Fuel Management System can be of great help. This software visualizes the different grades of coal in several silos and enables the operators to plan the coal blending in the optimal way. The boiler specifications, the coal characteristics and the measured storage levels are the input data of the Fuel Management System. By reclaiming the respective coal grades from each silo at a controlled and adjustable rate, the right coal blend is achieved.

Lifecycle assessment with EMA

To ensure long-term return on investment, it is vital to achieve cost-effective compliance with environmental regulations and self-imposed policies. Environmental Management Accounting (EMA) integrates environmental, operational and maintenance issues into the financial analysis. An integrated lifecycle assessment, as recognized by the European Community, offers a complete evaluation. Following this approach, the investment in Eurosilo systems comes with a payback period of only 10 to 15 years.

  • Minimal footprint for large scale storage
  •  Safest storage method in the market
  • No pollution, nor loss of calorific value
  • Maximum logistic control & flexibility
  • Minimal operating and maintenance costs
  • High availability due to minimal downtime



Introduction to coal storage in a Eurosilo at the coal fired power plant in Lünen Germany

A short introduction to the Eurosilo advanced storage solutions in the densely populated area at the ultrasupercritical power plant at Lünen in Germany. The solution is a space saving design and the future proof solution for coal storage.

We’re happy to provide more detailed information.


SUKKAR in Turkey considers innovative Eurosilo system

Sugar undeniably has a global strategic value. Not only as a basic nutrient, but also as an important commodity that provides input to many sectors of the economy. According to the data of the FAO the world harvested 281.000.000 tons...

ESI Inspection Supports Coal Silo Maintenance at Korean Power Plant

One of our most prestigious projects was the delivery of eight coal silos and a FGD gypsum silo at the new Komipo power plant in Shin SeoCheon, South Korea. The commissioning and transfer to the end-user took place in 2021....

Full Speed Ahead for New Eurosilo at Kyritz in Germany

At ESI, we are pressing forward to meet the deadline for delivery of the new state-of-the-art potato starch silo at the Kyritz production plant of Emsland Stärke. The 57,200 m³ Eurosilo is scheduled to be operational by autumn 2025. While...

Coal and Flux Silos for Leading Steel Producer in India

At ESI and Aumund Engineering, we are pressing full speed ahead with the design and delivery of two Eurosilos at a steel plant belonging to one of India’s leading steel producers. This ground breaking project marks ESI’s first delivery within...

ESI Keynote Speech at the 22nd Global Gypsum Conference

At the most recent Global Gypsum Conference, ESI Sales Director Richard Spaargaren delivered a keynote speech that was ranked among the top three most appreciated presentations, in a diverse array of speakers. Over 330 delegates from 45 countries attended the...

Need for up-to-date technology for sugar storage

Producing white sugar from sugar beets is one of the primary industries in Europe. As with other agricultural industries, consolidation and optimisation of the production facilities are the main strategies for sugar producers. The focus on production leads to less...

Additional new potato starch silo for Emsland-Stärke

At Kyritz in Germany, one of the four production sites of Emsland-Stärke, a new Eurosilo will be built to significantly increase the potato starch storage capacity. A need for expansion, with little space available, and the aim for improved logistics...

Presenting Eurosilo at Solids Trade Fair

On 9 and 10 October, the Solids Trade Fair in Dortmund will open its doors to thousands of visitors from over 40 countries. ESI will take part in the exhibition to present our range of Eurosilo products and services.  As...

New FGD Gypsum silo Nikola Tesla in operation

January this year, the new FGD Gypsum silo at the Nikola Tesla power plant in Beograd, Serbia went into operation. After finishing the building process and the installation of the material handling systems last year, the cold commissioning took place in autumn.

State-of-the-art Potato Starch Silo for Lyckeby, Sweden

After careful consideration Lyckeby, one of  Swedens leading potato starch producers, decided to work with the Eurosilo system for their most advanced new potato starch silo.

