Meet our agent Qi Xilei (de)

Meet our agent Qi Xilei (de)

To help us develop the huge market potential in China, Qi Xilei, managing director of Newbulks
Technology in Beijing operates as our agent for various industries. With more than 20 years of
experience in the bulk handling industry, Qi successfully interfaces between the Chinese business
environment and ESI Eurosilo.

First projects

Due to great collaboration with Qi and his company, we could execute the turnkey delivery of a
25,000 ton potato starch silo for the Beidahuang Potato Group in Jiusan. The Eurosilo system enables
the customer to store and transport the potato starch in bulk instead of in bags. This offers logistic
flexibility to output the material in different formats, suitable for transport and further processing of the
potato starch.

Currently we are closely cooperating in the delivery of a FGD Gypsum silo in in Lufeng.
According to Qi this is a great start, but still it’s a start: “I’m still looking forward to more big projects.
ESI is a leading supplier of this unique silo storage eco system. I think that they will be the market
leader for coal silos of over 40.000 m3 and FGD Gypsum silos with over 1.000 m3 storage capacity.”

“In short, ESI Eurosilo is about expertise, flexibility and customer focus.”

Why ESI Eurosilo?

As a keen business man, Qi found out about the Eurosilo system and reached out to ESI to learn more
about the advantages and benefits. “Coincidentally our paths had crossed. I am always interested in
good value propositions for the bulk handling industry and when I contacted ESI they turned out to
be a really serious business. You might call it coincidence, but my opinion is that it was destined as a
part of God’s plan.

Working with the people of ESI turns out to be successful because of three things.
There is a good synergy between our companies and our competences. Next to that they have an
open mind for a different approach or alternative solutions. And last but not least, we are confident
to trust each other in projects, with a great distance between us. The enjoyable way of working
together is what I like most about being an agent for ESI.”