ESI talks about Coal Blending at GETS 2015
ESI Eurosilo was invited as a keynote speaker at the prestigious Global Energy Technology Summit (GETS) 2015 from NTPC to present the technology for coal blending by means of the ESI Fuel Management System (FMS). NTPC is India’s largest energy conglomerate, founded in 1975 to accelerate power development in India. GETS 2015 was held in New Delhi and Noida, providing speeches by industry leaders, debate sessions, plenary sessions, technical theme sessions and Exhibition stalls. This year’s summit was focused on Greener and Cleaner power generation. In that respect, Richard Spaargaren from ESI Eurosilo presented the concept of coal blending for optimal calorific value with minimal CO2 emissions. The highly automated coal silos and the proprietary FMS application allow power plants to mix different grades of coal. This system was implemented at the Trianel Lünen Power Plant in Germany, using a multiple silo system. The presentation was well received and led to many questions on safety and accuracy.