Spare parts
Over time, technology changes drastically. This makes keeping track of specific parts and suppliers vital. As a specialist in our industry we can provide a quick insight in availability of wear and spare parts. Our Wear and Spare Parts Service is ready to cater to all your needs.
Best fit for best performance
Standard parts are sourced from the original equipment manufacturers, while construction parts are manufactured at our pre-selected workshops. We make sure that new spare parts are identical to – and interchangeable with – existing parts and we provide affordable substitutes for parts that have become unobtainable. All at an equal or higher quality level.
Lower TCO
Replacing worn out parts by new ones not only ensures proper operation, it also optimizes the total cost of ownership due to higher yield and longer lifetime. This means less service interruptions, requiring service technicians to descend into the shutdown silo. For fast recovery of defects we can change a complete unit instead of mounting a specific part, due to improved technology. If available, we will present and discuss all options.